Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My Most Frequently Used Phrases

(I had another post partially written and saved as a draft, but upon rereading, it just sounded like a bunch of whining, and if there's anything I hate, it's whining, so *poof* it went away. Instead, please enjoy this list of things I find myself saying almost constantly.)

In no particular order:
1. No. No.......NO!
2. Nathaniel!
3. Are you hungry?
4. Come on, let's change your diaper! You got poops!
5. Do NOT drop that off your tray. Eat it or leave it.
6. STOP. Just.....stop.
7. Hey, Stink Pot Pie/Stinkeroo/Natrox/Natrox the Indomitable/Boo-Bah/Nater/Naterator/Pumpkin Belly/other nonsense nickname!
8. I love you.
9. You are so goofy!
10. Please stop stepping on my feet.
11. Yes, that's your penis. Good job having a penis!
12. What are you doing?
13. Have a nap, baby.
14. Yes, that's your belly button!
15. Yes, that's Mommy's belly.
16. Please don't touch that. Okay, thank you.
17. No, that's yours. You eat it.
18. Child, you're going to drive me to drink. More.
19. Gentle!
20. You are so freaking cute.


  1. I can hear all of that coming out of your mouth. Don't you also have some version of an animal you call him - like a hippo or rhino or something?

  2. Try Grumpapotomus and Grumparella. I like those.
