Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Fresh Start

Well, since it seems like everyone I know is on Blogger, I decided to go ahead and jump on the bandwagon. It was annoying me not to be able to comment on my friends' blogs. 

I doubt I'll get much traffic by people who don't already know me, but just in case, here's an introduction: I'm Randi, a 30-year-old stay-at-home mother and aspiring bon vivant (ha). I live in Mississippi with my husband, Chet, our 15-month-old son, Nate, and two cats named Molly and Calvin. I'm agnostic, very liberal, artsy-craftsy, and terrible with houseplants. I am consistently inconsistent and I have a memory that only seems to hold on to useless, impractical things like celebrity trivia. I remember everyone's birthday, but can rarely get cards or gifts out on time. I am trying to be a better person. I named my blog "Crow and Pitcher" because of the Aesop fable, which my husband read to my son one night in his early infancy, and which struck me as being particularly relevant to me at this and every point in my life.  I am hoping to force myself to post more so that I may have some sort of outlet. Goodness knows I need it.

So that's that, for the moment.

1 comment:

  1. "I'm agnostic, very liberal, artsy-craftsy, and terrible with houseplants." - Dude! Me too! Maybe we were separated at birth!!??
